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Friday, June 4, 2010

West Coast Sports / Gyming it Up / Sentences

I was going to write about West Coast Sports since the topic recently came up in discussion. That's why it's half of my title for this blog. But I also realize that I don't care enough to write about it. I'll give you a short summary of my beliefs. Due to time zones, the West Coast should get rid of sports, namely football. Waking up at 10am to watch football is ridiculous. Even if I had kids, their mom would be bringing them to soccer at 10am, not me. And even if I did go, that means I miss the entire day of football. Back here, I could watch my kids play soccer and still be home in time for 1:00pm kickoff.

Alright. The second half of my title "Gyming it Up" is named so because I just got home from the gym.

So that takes care of the 'Title' portion of this blog.

I don't know how many of you have blogs or have written for blogs or even read this blog or can even read. Maybe you come to this blog in hopes that I'll put up a picture or a video. Maybe you just like how letters look, especially when there are 5 or 6 letters grouped together really close. Those are called words in case you didn't know. In my personal opinion words work well on their own, but it's really when they are used in "sentences" that they reach their full potential. For example, "Poop." Funny, but really works on one level (Though the level is pretty awesome. If "poop" was a video game level it would probably be the Giant World from Super Mario Bros 3, which is my all time favorite level.)

But "Poop" can get even better when used in a "sentence." For example, "I just pooped my pants." The idea of poop is comical, PLUS, you get pants in the mix. Or... "This poop would go well with some Maraschino Cherries." More informative than funny, but still works. I myself choose not to eat poop or Maraschino Cherries so I wouldn't be that interested in this "sentence" as much as I would the former one.

We could talk more and more about these "sentences" but you really need to experience them yourself to understand them. Next time to talk to someone, instead of grunting, use a "sentence". When you are performing an action, say what you are doing out loud over and over so you can get some practice in. "I'm washing my car. I'm washing my car." People walking by will probably be inspired by your "sentence" practice and they might join in. "Your car looks clean. Your car looks clean."

"Sentences" are almost endless in what you can do with them. So use your "sentences" wisely and keep on practicing.

P.S. Most of what you just read (if you can read) was written with "sentences." So you were learning an you didn't even know it.

P.P.S After writing the word "sentence" so many times, it looks really weird, but that happens a lot with a lot of words. You'll find out once you start practicing.

P.P.P.S. When I first started writing this, the topic of "sentences" was not originally part of the blog. I just changed the title, but realized that I started describing the Title in halves before. I should be thirds, since now their are 3 parts to the title, though this blog is probably 75% "sentences." So I guess West Coast Sports and Gyming It Up could each be halves in their own halves.

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