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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Purpose in Prose

Someone recently asked me, "Hey Dave, I didn't know you have a blog. What's it about?" Actually no one asked me that, but I thought it would be a good start for my newest post. I was recently going through some other blogs for inspiration and maybe steal a few good jokes when I realized, my blogs alittle different from the others I've seen. Most blogs have a consistent theme. It could be about food and recipes or sports or hiking, but there's usually a common theme in every post. My blog is usually just random thoughts that pop into my head as I write. Even now I'm not sure how this will end.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I feel without some type of structure, the reader (YOU!) doesn't have a connection to my blog. I don't think someone will randomly find this blog and decide to read it. I don't think that many people would enjoy this blog since it really has nothing to do with anything. I feel that I'm losing a good amount of fan base by doing this, but there really isn't enough stuff that I care enough about to write an entire blog about. Yeah, sports are fun, but I'm not going to any Spring Training Camps and coming out with insider info, so my sports knowledge is basically the sum of everything I read during the day. I like videogames, but I'm not as nerdy as I used to be as a kid, so I don't think that I could compete with real hardcore gamer blogs.

Movies and Televsion not only interest me, but that's my job. But if someone wanted to read about movies or television I don't think they would rush over to hear my insights. Not until I get juicy insider info from my new job on Indiana Jones 5.

I also thought maybe I could have a weekly theme. This week is dogs. I like dogs, but I can't do dogs justice. Go to or watch Dogs 101.

So my blog will simply stay as it is for now. If you have any suggestions of a new direction I should take, let me know. (That's to the one reader I have; probably just Kirsten)

So today I started researching fantasy football pretty hardcorely. (Hardcorely is now my favorite word) I did 2 mock drafts and both times I ended up with pretty good players. Not only am I positive I won't finish in last place like last year, but I will win and go undefeated.

If anyone other than Kirsten is reading this, you should tell other people to read it as well. I just read a thing on my profile that if I get alot of viewers I can sell ad space. I'd probably need like 100 people a week at least so something like that, but its doable. Let's make it your New Year's Resolution. No. No one ever really does their resolution. Let's make it your purpose in life. Your life will be a complete failure and you'll go to hell unless you get 25 people to check out this blog. Now you might be saying, "Dave you can't tell me what to do" or "I don't believe in hell." Well then go fuck yourself. I believe in hell. I believe that hell exists solely for this blog. The only people in hell are people who don't read this blog and then proceed to tell others about it. So no skin off my back if you don't tell anyone, but they'll be a lot of skin off yours, from the devil, whipping you, with an ax, in your ass. But this is America, so you can choose what to do. Unless you are one of my North Korean followers, in which case, you are being forced to read this, and I thank you for that.

Also, I've been thinking about a sign off. Like "Until next blog" or "Just remember: I can't be wrong if I'm white" or "Please love me dad. I'm only doing this for your attention." I don't know yet. But another thing I'll be thinking about.

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