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Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Pre-Weekend

Well since I'll be away for the weekend, this might be my last chance to get my message out until Tuesday. I will hopefully think of something to write because as of right now, my mind is blank.

I guess I can talk about this weekend coming up. It's Sophia's Wedding, which I'm extremely excited about, and everyone else seems to be too. I have my baggage at work with me, just need to get to the bus. I hate the fucking bus. Greyhound was the cheapest way to go, so that's what I'm taking. I'm looking forward to Boston itself, and it's always fun to go, but the bus really takes some of the fun out of it. I mean it's gonna be at least 5 hours on the bus each way. So out of a regular weekend that consists of 48 hours, starting at 6pm on Friday-6pm Sunday, only 38 of those hours would I be in Boston. And most of that time I'll be sleeping. Also, I'm not even considering the fact that most of the time I'm not working in the city. So if I'm on Long Island...Alright, this is getting out of hand, I'm sorry.

My point is the bus sucks. The good part about this trip is that I get an extra day for Memorial Day so I'll have more time.

What a waste of my time. This post was weak, but it's these posts that I think I like the most. Because though it may waste my time writing them, I can only hope that people read this so it wastes their time as well. So as long as you were not entertained by this post, I'm happy.

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