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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Post and Hopefully Not Last - Marmaduke

This blog has been made first and foremost for me. It's tool and purpose is to get me to start writing. Since I procrastinate in almost every part of my life, I figured this might help. The second purpose is for me to get my thoughts down and possibly use them in the future. And I guess if anyone chooses to read this and enjoys it, that's a plus as well.

I didn't know what I should write about in my first blog. If anyone is reading this, you probably know who I am, so there's no point in discussing my addiction to porn or my love of Celine Dion; I'll omit obvious person details about my life in this blog.

Instead of writing about something I know about or care about I will instead discuss something that I have almost no knowledge of other than what I just saw on TV.


Without referencing Wikipedia or Googling anything, I'm pretty sure that the new movie Marmaduke is based off of a comic strip. I've heard about it through my life, but I always thought that Marmaduke was a Platypus not a dog. I think that because as a word, Marmaduke seems like it could completely define Platypus. "What's a platypus?" "Well. It's hard to describe. I guess it's kinda Marmadukey.

Alright, so now that we've got the dog part down, I also didn't think he was a great dane. Nor did I think he could talk. I don't know his role in the actual comic strip, but I assume since it's self titled he must have something to say. I'm willing to accept both of these as fine and acceptable.

The ads don't give much away of the plot other than Marmaduke and George Lopez Cat are moving to California and at some point meet up with other dogs to dance to Kesha's Tik Tok. When the commercial was over I wanted more. Not more of plot, or poor CGI, or George Lopez, or even Marmaduke. I wanted to watch those dogs dancing! (Note: The dogs are CGI, at least that's what it seems to be.) Who doesn't want to watch dogs dance for minutes on end. If you go to youtube and search for (animal) dancing, I bet it's got over a million hits.

Assuming that's true and accepting the FACT that people love dancing dogs (real or fake), not only do I believe that Marmaduke has the single best movie advertising campaign since The Dark Knight, but I predict this movie will surpass Avatar in both Domestic and International Gross. I suggest going to and buying lots of stock in Marmaduke.

Well I hope that at least someone might have been interested in Marmaduke and hopefully my next blogs I'll put more thought into this before I actually start writing.


  1. Ke$ha, not Kesha. Please. Have some respect.

  2. Or, as FakeAPStylebook recommends, KeUSDha, for the courtesy of international readers.
