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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Drunk Blog 80's Rock

I'm pretty proud of myself. No, not for being drunk, which I am. I'm proud of the fact that in my drunken state of mind I'm willing to write. I could talk about my night of karaoke; which was pretty great. Instead of my usual "Power of Love," and random 80's song, I dueted with Eric on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart." But this isn't really my point.

In fact I don't have a point. I'm watching "Modern Warfare" Community episode which happens to be, in my opinion, the best 30 minutes of TV since... well since...O.K. well it's good. My lack of references is due to the fact that I'm in toxicated.

Since it's still early in this blog, and in my mind most of the people who read this arne't the imaginary elfs that live in my brain, there's a lot of information about me that people don't know.

I'll dedicate the rest of this blog to a small fact that people don't know which is...well...everyone know's my love for dogs so that's out...and everyone know's my love for 80's shitty rock music, but I really want to write about here I go.

As I pack a lip and spit it into the solo cup full of sunflower seeds, I really want to listen to my favorite music. Even when I was at karaoke, I wanted to sing Styx or REO Speedwago or Huey Lewis or even Village People. (Note: Village People may have been 70's but that doesn't make Macho Man any less timeless).

So now that I'm finally on my point of 80's Rock. Yeah I could talk about Poison or Ratt, but that's not the music that I listen to. The music I listen to may be shitty, but I'd rather listen to "Keep On Loving You" than La Bouche any day of the week. I always tell people that I live for myself. Not in a selfish way, not in a stubborn way, but in a way that I enjoy my life. I like Elliot Smith, I like Bright Eyes, but when I want to just listen to music I'll put on my 80's Rock music, no matter now bad it is. Why? Probably cause I don't care. Yeah there are hipsters and rappers and assholes that like their music, but I like music that I think is not only fun to listen too, but music that doesn't make me slash my wrist.

Oh. I didn't realize you went to a small private party with 20 other people where the lead singer of Goo Goo Dolls gave a handjob to everyone in the audience. Oh. I'm sorry I didn't go to the concert of the band that no one knows, but you're really cool for going too. Oh, and that band's gonna be really popular in about 4 months and you'll stop listening too. I don't know why or when music became a religion where people became so seperative and secular. (Secular maybe wrong word). Anyway my point is, listen to the music that you like, not the music that makes you feel better than other people. As you read this you may say, well Backstreet Boys make shitty music. Well that shitty music is really fun to listen to.

I'm not trying to convince people or preach my point of view, I'm just saying "Mr. Roboto" is fun to listen to no matter who you are. So listen to the fucking song and enjoy it.

Alright I'm happy I wrote this and tomorrow I'll probably wake up and say, "Man that was alot of stupid shit I wrote last night." But fuck it. Go to karaoke and sing a stupid song. Enjoy that group of girls singins "Jesse's Girl" cause no matter how stupid or slutty those girls are, they are having a much happy and better life than you if you can't enjoy it.

In conclusion, sit down and listen to "Don't Stop Believing" or "Roll With The Changes" and just appreciate how you lose yourself in those songs. Appreciate the fact that if you like your life or not, you can just listen to some stupid song and think it's funny. But even in this drunken message I know no one will really understand my point of view. You can like you music, your life, but just respect the stupid.

My next post will defineatly include my "Stupid Speech" and I hope that people appreciate it.

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