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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After Thoughts

So I was in the mood to keep writing but I thought it would be good to break up my posts to limit boredom of my readers.

After Lost tonight, which happened to not only be great, but also said in that it's the next to last episode ever, I decided to get ready for the gym. Steiger said he was too tired so I drank a couple of drinks and packed a few lips. Now I'm wide awake and will continue my pointless dribble.

Well to be honest, I'm not wide awake. To be even more honest, this isn't pointless dribble. If all goes according to plan, this will lead me to a book deal worth roughly 2.1 million and will prove that the van was a bad idea.

Now I will talk about my cat, BUSTER. This stupid little guy always gets me. He spends most of his nights awake either in the backyard doing god knows what, dealing drugs, doing drugs, raping other cats, fighting other cats, raping dogs...who knows. Then after those drug induced nights, he spends a majority of the day sleeping on my futon. When I try to wrestle with him, as I would a dog or even a woman, he scratches me. When I try to throw him against the wall, as I would a dog or even a woman, he scratches me. When I try to have my way with him, as I would a dog or even a woman, he scratches me. I still love him for some reason, probably because I know, one day he'll grow old and he won't be able to scratch me when I try to molest him.

I deleted a section about my hatred for actors because I found it to be boring, so just appreciate the cat section.

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