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Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Apologize

I started this blog to increase my writing, and yet here I am, (INSERT TIME) later and I missed (INSERT TIME) so I'll make it up to my followers. A.K.A No one (Well Kirsten told me she follows me, but other than that) here's to you Kirsten. I'll make this quick because I'm getting drunker and tireder as I type.

I'm going to make 3 points of business. No. I won't

I'm writing and here we go. Forget the last blog. I was gonna make a joke about walking in on your friend's parents having sex and them not caring since u aren't their child and u never being welcome again, but I'm not going to.

I'm going to make a solid point. That point is...Well that point is...Well here it is...

A few weeks ago, AJ gave me his How I Met Your Mother DVD's. There's a character that hits on every girl, and gets laid all the time. I began to think, Hrmph, maybe I should start getting proactive. Stop being afraid of girls saying NO, and start thinking, Maybe they'll say YES. So I'm rethinking my social atmosphere. Not to say I do anything wrong or right, but I'm going to change the way I do wrong or right. I'm tired of being afraid of NO. I'm tired of them saying "Dave Seeman, you should slash your wrist" and I'm tired of being tired. So from now on, so what if a girl says no. Everytime I approach a girl, and they say no, I'm still happy I went up to them.

I'm going to finish this blog. I didn't really have a point, I didn't have a message, but by Golly I'm just trying to build a better self.

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